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UICulture and localization

Culture (in the context of software) refers to how culture-dependent data such as dates, currencies and numbers are both presented and interpreted as input. An example is whether "." or "," is to be used for the decimal separator and the thousands separator.

UICulture refers to which locale-specific external assets are to be loaded in. In our case, it's the language of the texts shown in Engage. By default, these texts are sent in Swedish, because Voyado's servers are configured with that locale. In normal website requests, the text language is determined according to the user's settings, which are saved in a cookie in the browser.

Using cookies is also possible for backend/API calls, but it is not standard. There is, however, a way to be sure of which translations are delivered, regardless of other settings: the UICulture parameter. By adding ?UICulture=en-GB to the query string of your API call when requesting the texts, you can be sure they will be sent to the client in English. For example:

If your call contains a UICulture parameter that is not valid, English texts will be returned as this is the translation engine's default.


To force translations to be returned in a specific language, use the UICulture parameter.