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Updating contacts for new language attribute

Engage is moving from storing a contact's language in a custom field to storing it as a standard Engage field (named lang). This allows Engage users to use language as a value split in automations when, for example, sending out welcome emails and transactional communication.

For the first iteration of this fix, the language value will be saved in both fields. Once all customers have migrated from the old field to the new lang field, the old field will be removed from the Shopify integration.

In order to use the new lang attribute in your Shopify app, and improve your Engage experience, there is some housekeeping you need to do.

1 - Exporting your contact data

Follow these steps to export your contacts from Engage with the new attribute:

  1. Contact and ask them to:

    • Rename the “language” attribute to “Language (old)” in your Engage tenant settings.

    • Assign the “lang” attribute to all your contact types in your Engage tenant settings.

  2. Log into your Engage account

  3. Navigate to Contacts > Import/Export > Export

  4. Click “New export” in the top right corner.

  5. Select all contacts

  6. Click “Next”

  7. Select the fields: “Language (old)” and “Contact ID”

  8. Click “Next”

  9. Click on “Export” in the bottom right to export your contacts

2 - Re-importing your contacts to Engage

Follow these steps to re-import your contacts with the new field.

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Import/Export > Import

  2. Upload the contacts file you just exported

  3. In the “Attribute mapping” section (step 3) map the column in the file to the “Language” field

  4. Under Import settings, choose “Only update”

  5. Import the file and you are done