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Send email as specific store

When designing an e-mail send-out, there's a way to decide which product feed will be used to populate it. There's a few things to do in the Engage back-end and front-end first to get this working.

  1. Your Voyado team needs to configure the Engage back-end. Contact them for this step.

  2. When that's done, go to the Engage frontend and select Administation then Stores and then Stores again. You'll see a list of all your stores. Selecting one takes you to Edit store. Scroll down to the Spare fields section. You should see the "Locale" field. This is where you will enter the locale that was specified in whatever product feed you want to use for this store.

  3. Now, when you are creating an email, you can select "Send as a specific store" and select the store (and, indirectly,the locale / product feed connected to it) to be used for this send-out.


If you define the "locale" attribute for all stores, even physical, you can send as any store using the correct language/currency when creating a email send-out. You are not restricted to to only e-com stores. 


It's only possible to get data from ONE specific product feed for every email send-out. Therefore, in Engage, you can only use one language (and one currency) per send-out.