Orisha Commerce (formerly Cow Hills Retail) is a Dutch company providing omnichannel point-of-sale software for retailers. They are fully cloud-based and their POS can run on all kinds of hardware, including iOS and android, allowing staff to, for example, walk around the store and process purchases on the spot.

Orisha Commerce already have access to loyalty and promotion functions through their promotions engine, Treazure. But by using a standard POS integration with Voyado Engage they can leverage Engage's automation capabilities and more to deliver a much richer experience.
Note that this is a point-follower integration. This means that Treazure is the arbitrator of points and Engage will only send point updates whenever that happens in its system.
The integration is only supported by later versions of the Orisha Commerce / Treazure software. Please check with the Orisha Commerce team to see if the version you are using is compatible with the Voyado Engage integration.
This integration between Orisha Commerce and Engage covers the following areas:
Identifying a contact
Registering a contact
Updating a contact
Sending transactions (receipts) to Engage
Assigning personal promotions
Applying promotions to purchases
Enabling Engage to act as point follower