Setup & configuration
Here's how to use the Engage integration with Sitoo.
An active Engage CXP and Omni license
An active Sitoo license
Configuration in Engage
Here is what your Engage team needs to do:
In the client's tenant, create an API-key user for the Sitoo integration.
Send the API key and the tenant's base URL for API access to Sitoo.
If the client has stores in the US, enable the feature toggle “SkipReceiptTotalGrossPriceValidation“ since the US uses a sales tax applied to the totalGrossPrice and not to each line item.
If the store is not in a country using the defined group currency, then the currency needs to be retrieved using an exchange rate. This needs to be set up in Engage using a fixed exchange rate.
Configuration in Sitoo
The API docs for Sitoo can be found here.
An Engage integration is configured in Sitoo using YAML. Using this, you can choose which attributes to use for searching and which to use for for creating, editing and displaying in the POS.
The YAML-configuration is located in Sitoo under Settings / General / POS Settings / Advanced Settings.

This will open up the window where you enter your YAML, which will look something like this:
crm: channels: - id: voyado title: Private client_settings: lookup_type: personal_id search_types: - mobile - email - personal_id - member_number fields_add: email: editable name: editable personal_id: editable mobile: editable invoice_address: editable accepts_email: editable accepts_sms: editable accepts_mail: editable consents: editable fields_edit: email: editable name: editable personal_id: editable mobile: editable invoice_address: editable accepts_email: editable accepts_sms: readonly accepts_mail: readonly consents: readonly handler: voyado: api_url: '' api_key: 2b5f1234-12c4-4e20-a3d0-0749a51862aa locale: en-GB currency_code: EUR voucher_passwords_default: - pricelist_member_2021 - spring_member voucher_passwords_from_labels: - label_name: Staff voucher_passwords: - staffdiscount sections: - title: 'Customer info' fields: - title: 'Regular store' attribute: - title: 'Stamps left' attribute: pointCards - title: 'Customer number' attribute: memberNumber - title: 'Reward points' attribute: bonusPoints - title: Tier-level attribute: bonusBasedLevel - title: 'Points left for upgrade' attribute: bonusBasedLevelLeftForUpgrade - title: Age attribute: age - title: ZIP attribute: zipCode display_true: JA - title: 'Personal ID' attribute: socialSecurityNumber - title: C/O attribute: careOf display_false: Ingen - title: 'Finns ej' attribute: nullAttr - title: 'Secrecy marked' attribute: secrecyMarked display_false: 'Sekretess åberopad' - title: Consents attribute: consents - title: Triggerbee fields: - title: 'Goals acquired' attribute: tbGoals - title: 'Interest 1' attribute: tbProfln1 - title: 'Interest 2' attribute: tbProfln2 - title: 'Interest 3' attribute: tbProfln3 web_apps: null
Here's how to configure each section in the YAML.
Connection and country settings
Under handler in the YAML is where you set base URL, API key and the country settings:
handler: voyado: api_url: '' api_key: 2b5f1234-12c4-4e20-a3d0-0749a51862aa locale: en-GB currency_code: EUR
Attributes used to search for contacts
Under search_types and client_settings you'll define the attributes used to search for a contact in Engage:
client_settings: search_types: - mobile - email - personal_id - member_number
Contact lookup (Dun & Bradstreet)
Here you can configure the personal attribute used to enrich your contact's profiles through a vendor like Dun & Bradstreet. Under "client_settings" you can define lookup_type as either "personal_id" (for their personal identity number) or "mobile" (for their mobile number):
client_settings: lookup_type: personal_id
Attributes to use when creating contacts
In the client_settings section under fields_add is where you add the fields from Engage that will be accessible in Sitoo when adding a contact. These can either be "editable" or "readonly".
fields_add: email: editable name: editable personal_id: editable mobile: editable invoice_address: editable accepts_email: editable accepts_sms: editable accepts_mail: editable consents: editable
If consents is "editable" then all consents will be visible in the POS when adding a contact.
Attributes available when editing contacts
These are the attributes available in the POS when updating an already existing contact. These are added to the client_settings section under fields_edit. The attributes that you want to be editable are listed as "editable". If they are not to be editable, make them "readonly".
fields_edit: email: editable name: editable personal_id: editable mobile: editable invoice_address: editable accepts_email: editable accepts_sms: readonly accepts_mail: readonly consents: readonly
Custom attributes
Under sections you can choose which custom attributes to display in the POS. You can add different subject lines and then the attributes connected to that subject line.
Here, attribute is the field name in Engage and title is the text displayed in POS.
sections: - title: 'Customer info' fields: - title: 'Regular store' attribute: - title: 'Customer number' attribute: memberNumber - title: 'Reward points' attribute: bonusPoints - title: Tier-level attribute: bonusBasedLevel - title: 'Points left for upgrade' attribute: bonusBasedLevelLeftForUpgrade - title: Age attribute: age - title: ZIP attribute: zipCode display_true: JA - title: 'Personal ID' attribute: socialSecurityNumber - title: C/O attribute: careOf display_false: Ingen - title: 'Finns ej' attribute: nullAttr - title: 'Secrecy marked' attribute: secrecyMarked display_false: 'Sekretess åberopad'
The display_false and display_true values contain the texts displayed if the field has data (display_true) or if it doesn't (display_false).
Engage standard attributes are always editable in Sitoo, and the fields listed as editable in fields_edit are in addition to these. Engage custom attributes (meaning those that are not standard attributes) can be viewed in Sitoo but not edited.
Default discounts and vouchers
These are general member discounts which are applied in Sitoo when a contact is identified. The discounts and vouchers are created in Sitoo and do not have to be connected to a promotion in Engage.
voucher_passwords_default: - pricelist_member_2021 - spring_member
Discounts and vouchers connected to labels
These are discounts automatically applied when a contact with a certain label is identified. The voucher is created in Sitoo and in the configuration you can define which discount or voucher is triggered by which label.
voucher_passwords_from_labels: - label_name: Staff voucher_passwords: - staffdiscount
Returning an item purchased with a voucher
If such an item is returned, the voucher used to buy it will not be automatically reactivated. This needs to be manually done in Engage.
Engage API endpoints used by Sitoo
Sitoo needs to access several Engage API endpoints to allow this integration to work.
Retrieving a contact
Endpoint | Description |
GET v2/contactoverview | Get a contact's full data. |
GET v1/contacts/{contactId}/labels | Get all labels connected to a contact. |
The endpoint used to get a contact's labels uses V1 of the API.
Creating / updating a contact
Endpoint | Description |
POST v2/contacts | Creating a contact. |
POST v2/contacts/{contactId} | Updating a specific contact |
Go here to read more about the v2/contacts API.
Fetching consents
Endpoint | Description |
GET v2/consents | For an overview of all consents in Engage. |
GET v2/contactoverview | To get the consents which are set to true for a specific contact. |
Retrieving personal data from Dun & Bradstreet
Endpoint | Description |
GET v2/personlookup/getpersonlookup | Get a contact's enhanced data using either their personal identity number or mobile phone number. |
You'll see an example of the response on your Swagger page.
Retrieving transactions connected to a contact
Endpoint | Description |
GET v2/contacts/{contactId}/transactions | Get a number of transactions for a contact (results are paged). |
Creating a transaction
Endpoint | Match key |
POST v2/receipts | contactId |
To add a transaction to Engage, this endpoint is used.
Redeeming a promotion
Endpoint |
POST v2/contacts/{contactId}/posoffers/{promotionId}/redeem |
Redeeming a reward voucher
Endpoint |
POST /api/v2/contacts/{contactId}/bonuschecks/{rewardVoucherId}/redeem |
Note that "bonusCheck" is an older name for reward voucher in Engage.