Introduction to points and vouchers
The Rewards module in Engage gives you the ability to grant points and convert them into vouchers.
In Engage, contacts can earn points when they make purchases, or for other events such as their birthday or when they sign up. A points model must be configured separately in your Engage installation. Contact your Voyado team about this.
All points gained by a contact can be seen on their contact card under the tab "Reward points".
This points data can also be accessed in the following way:
Using the contact's contactId and the following endpoint, fetch the ID for the point account you are interested in. This value is unique for every point account in the database.
GET /api/v3/point-accounts
In the response JSON, locate the id value, which is the unique ID for that point account.
Now use that point account ID to get all points transaction for that point account, using:
GET /api/v3/point-transactions
In the response you'll get all point changes like this (every change will be an entry in the items array):
{ "Items": [ { "id": "861e728a-7037-4dc9-9907-5b38691a9c8e", "accountId": "33aac83b-a50c-1234-b57f-5b94b9f1a1a2", "description": "Test", "source": "Automation", "amount": 100, "type": "Addition", "transactionDate": "2024-09-20T11:51:29.408622+00:00", "createdOn": "2024-09-20T11:51:29.408622+00:00", "modifiedOn": "2024-09-20T11:51:29.408622+00:00", "validFrom": "2024-09-15T11:51:29.408622+00:00", "validTo": "2024-09-25T11:51:29.408622+00:00", "retailTransactionLineItemId": "5a3f4a1f-5f30-42c6-a333-dcaa68b3f09f" } ], "totalCount": 1, "offset": 0, "count": 1, "links": [ ... ] }
Vouchers are part of the Promotions module. Administrators can create vouchers based on the client configuration. If a contact fulfills the requirements then one or several vouchers will be made available for the contact to use.
Return matching
When a return is made, certain adjustments need to be made in Engage to the item and, if relevant, to the points. See here for how this is done.
Engage provides webhooks for working with points and vouchers. You can read about that in the webhooks section.