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Redeem a voucher

Redeeming a voucher means telling Engage that the voucher has been used and that its status should now change from available to redeemed.

To redeem a voucher for a specific contact,use this endpoint:

POST /api/v3/reward-vouchers/{rewardVoucherId}/redeem

Since the rewardVoucherId is unique for the contact who has it, the contactId does not need to be sent.


After 4.5 seconds this endpoint will give up and time out, provided it has not already saved the voucher as redeemed. If the voucher has been redeemed (this is also also known as the "point of no return") when the 4.5 seconds limit is passed, the request will be processed until completion.

It is recommended to not have a timeout shorter than 60 seconds, in order to avoid situations where a voucher is redeemed in Engage but the calling system does not know it due to aborting the request.

Response codes

If the request has been successful, you'll get a HTTP 200 OK response. Otherwise you'll get one of these:

  • 400: InvalidRewardVoucherId

  • 404: RewardVoucherNotFound

  • 409: RewardVoucherAlreadyRedeemed, RewardVoucherExpired

  • 504: GatewayTimeout