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Soft identification

In the "Encryption key" section you can copy or re-generate the encryption key used for decrypting the eclub-parameter, which allows soft identification (soft login) to work. Read more about this here.

In the "URL filter" section can specify if you only want to include the soft identification query-parameter for certain, specific URLs. In these cases * is treated as a wildcard.

For example, let's say you have links to two web pages in an email: and, and you want to identify the contacts who click on these email links. But you also have links to Instagram or YouTube in the same email, and you find it unnecessary to include this parameter to those pages (since they can't and shouldn't be decrypted there anyhow).

In this case, you could set it up like this:



If you want to include the soft login parameter for ALL links in the email, just add * to the list.