Import stores
Stores can either be added manually one by one, or via file import (CSV, UTF-8 encoded).
If you are importing stores, we recommended you do it before anything else is imported. This is because contacts (which are a separate import) might contain store references in their data, such as favorite store or recruited-by store, requiring the stores data to already be in place.
A transactions import will also require stores to be set up first.
Make sure stores are imported / set up before any other kind of data is imported.
When using a file import, your CSV should use semicolon (;) as a delimiter to separate the fields. The order of the fields doesn't matter.
Import stores by API
You can create a store in Voyado Engage through this API endpoint:
POST /api/v3/stores
See your Swagger page for an example of the payload.
Import stores by CSV
There are three mandatory fields (see table below). Apart from these you only need to include the fields you want to set.
Field | Example | Type | Description |
*externalId | 222 | string | The store's unique id. |
*name | The Store | string | The name of the store. |
*timeZone | Europe/Stockholm | string | The time zone. |
type | ECOMM | string | The store's type, either ECOMM (eCommerce) or RETAIL (physical). |
Download the file example to see all the optional fields.
In externalId there is a small letter L followed by a large letter I that might be hard to tell apart in certain fonts.
File example
You can download examples as CSV and Excel on the example files page.
Starting the import
Processing of the file must be manually triggered by your Voyado Engage team.