Brands are increasingly collecting feedback on their products and customer's in-store experiences. Lipscore is a nordic leader in this space. Because of its easy-to-implement back-end integration, Lipscore reviews and ratings can be easily incorporated into Engage.
In Engage, the data from Lipscore can be used for the segmentation of customers based on their reviews, ratings, and other data, enabling targeted communication to customers.
How it works
Here is a summery of how the integration works:
Lipscore is configured to fetch contact and product data, as well as transactions and their line items, from Engage using Engage's Delta Share service.
Lipscore processes this data to decide which contacts should be sent an email prompting them to leave a product review, and which products should be included in the prompt.
The email can be sent directly from Lipscore or from Engage. If using the second option, the processed data is sent to Engage using a custom automation trigger that must be set up to receive the data and send the email.
The processed contact / product data can optionally also be sent to Engage as an Interaction. This allows it to be saved in Engage and then used for segmentation.
Email examples
The custom trigger request to Engage contains HTML-code (reviewHTML), generated by Lipscore, which must be personalized and rendered in the email template in Engage.
Below are examples of the different emails that can be sent:
Delivery confirmation email

Product review email

Service review email

Setting up delta share access
This integration requires delta sharing to be correctly set up for you. This is done in the Engage back end. Contact your Voyado PM about this.