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Avoid triggering export

When changes are made to your contacts (by updating, adding or deleting them) through a file import or the bulk API, some exports will be automatically triggered in Engage. If you don't want this to happen, you can use the attribute avoidTriggeringExport. Setting it to "true" will suppress both the BI and contact XML exports.

Note: this was previously know as "silent export".


The default for avoidTriggeringExport is "false" which means that you only need to include it if you want it to be "true". That is, if you don't want the BI and contact XML exports to be triggered by your import.


For an XML import, avoidTriggeringExport is done with an attribute in the top-level <contacts> node:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<contacts xmlns="http://eClub.Schemas.ImportContact" avoidTriggeringExport="true">

For bulk API

When using the contact bulk API, avoidTriggeringExport is passed in the query string:

GET /api/v2/contacts/bulk?avoidTriggeringExport=true&contactType=Contact


For the avoidTriggeringExport setting to work, your file can only consist of a contactType key (such as "member") and fields that are not on the standard contact fields list.

If avoidTriggeringExport is set to "true" and your import / update contains standard contact attributes that are not keys (such as FirstName or Email), your import will fail and an error will be written to the integration log.

If an import is done with only keys and standard contact attributes, but avoidTriggeringExport is false or missing, exports will then be triggered and entries added to "changelog" and "lastmodified".


The avoidTriggeringExport flag can't be combined with either of the ImportSettings InsertNewContacts and ShouldDefaultSetIsApprovedAsTrue.