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Target audiences

There are several ways of grouping your contacts in Engage.

There is segmentation, a grouping created on-the-fly. This is basically a snapshot based on the state of all contacts at the moment the request is made.

Labels can be applied to the contacts in a specific segmentation. A label is a more static way of grouping, since when a contact is given a certain label, they will have it until it is removed.

Then there are target audiences. These are groupings of contacts that are recalculated on a fixed schedule (every night is standard). The contacts in a target audiences can therefore change from day to day (some people will be having a birthday, some will have made their first purchase, some might have just moved to Limerick, and others might have just left Limerick, vowing never to return).


Every contact can belong to many different target audiences.

With target audiences you can profile your customers more strategically, using them as building blocks for your day-to-day campaigning, and building up a library of target audiences based on life cycle stages, personas, geographic location, product category affinity, or whatever is of interest.

You can also expose these audiences in external applications, for example to further personalize a customer's experience in a sales situation in stores or online. To do this, you'll need to know which audiences exist in your Engage instance. There is an API endpoint that does just that.

Target audience endpoint

To fetch all target audiences in your Engage instance, you do like this:

GET /api/v3/target-audiences

There are no parameters or payload required.

A successful request gives a HTTP 200 response along with data in this format:

    "id": "91a2ea56-c08b-48fe-b510-ffff006aedde",
    "name": "Svenska medlemmar"
    "id": "5b195078-0f72-4206-ac1a-aaaa006ce19e",
    "name": "Silver"
    "id": "1ef5e951-a0f1-4822-b69e-cccc006cf38a",
    "name": "Member"

name: The name of the target audience as entered when the audience was created.

id: The unique ID for that target audience. This is not useful now, but a future endpoint could be used to return all the contacts in this target audience using this ID.


If you need to fetch all the target audiences that a specific contact belongs to, you can do it using the contact overview API endpoint.

You can read more about segmentation and target audiences at the Engage Help Center.